A Typical Day Teaching In Japan

Working Hours
Working hours can be from 10AM-7PM, 11AM-8PM or 12PM-9PM
Each day begins with a brief informal meeting. The branch school Manager and NET will review the schedule together and any other tasks that must be completed that day.
Teachers usually have two or three late morning/early afternoon classes most often with Baby, Pre-Romper, Romper and Infant aged students. Non-teaching time will be spent lesson planning and conducting non-teaching responsibilities.
The lunch break is one hour every day.
It is common, after lunch, for NETs to teach back-to-back lessons. Classes taught typically range from Children’s Low to Senior High.
Before the end of the workday, NETs will conduct cleaning duties and other non-teaching responsibilities
The First Six Months At Amity

Arrival In Japan
An Amity Trainer will meet the Native English Teachers at the airport and travel with them to the training center in Okayama.

Initial Training
New NETs participate in five full days of educational training before joining the branch school.

Shadow Week
Native English Teachers shadow the departing NET during the first week at the branch school.

Three-month Evaluation
The three-month evaluation allows Native English Teachers and Managers to discuss progress and areas for improvement.

Follow-up Training
Approximately three to six months after arriving, Native English Teachers will participate in Follow-Up Training attending various educational workshops and professional development seminars.

Six-month Evaluation And Beyond
Native English Teachers who receive a positive evaluation may be offered a contract extension.
Amity Teaching Job Training
Amity is a leader in the field of English conversation classes for children in Japan. We take pride in our comprehensive and supportive training program. Teachers with no experience, as well as those with a background in teaching, will be given the tools to succeed in the Amity classroom by professional trainers all of whom are former Native English Teachers.

Initial Training
Initial Training is an interactive, hands-on training that allows new teachers to learn Amity’s curriculum and teaching methodology through planning, preparing and practicing model lessons. New Native English Teachers also learn about Amity as a business.
Other topics covered include:
- Creative Prop Making
- Reinforcement Activities and Songs
- Classroom Management
- Counseling and Motivating Students
- Lesson Explanation/Speaking with Parents
- Staff Relations

Shadow Week
Native English Teachers shadow the departing NET during the first week at the branch school. This allows the new teacher to begin teaching classes while having an experienced NET there for guidance and feedback. Native English Teachers will also attend informational meetings with the Manager and learn branch school procedures.
- Meet the students, parents and staff
- Learn about branch school operations
- Observe the departing teacher’s lessons
- Begin teaching
- Receive lesson feedback

Follow-up Training
Follow-Up Training brings together teachers who have arrived in Japan in the last three to six months for a 2 or 3 day teacher enrichment course. Native English Teachers will participate in educational workshops where they can share ideas and tips with fellow teachers.
Other topics covered include:
- Seminar Lessons
- Parents’ Observations
- Activity Workshops
- Enhancing Staff Communication
Future Opportunities
Amity provides Native English Teachers the opportunity not only to gain a year of teaching experience abroad but also to build a career in the field of EFL in Japan. Teachers who succeed at the branch school are encouraged to grow with Amity and transition to other positions at the branch school and with the Education Department.
At The Branch School
Amity’s accomplishments are the result of the hard work, dedication and commitment of the school staff. Native English Teachers are an integral part of this success. Teachers who thrive in the classroom can take on higher roles at the branch school.
At The Education Department
Amity’s curriculum, teaching materials, workshops, and training sessions are developed by the enthusiastic staff that make up the Education Department. Native English Teachers who have flourished in progressively responsible roles at the school can further their careers by joining the Education Department.
Branch School Transfer
Native English Teachers who received a full contract renewal can transfer to another school in the Amity network. A branch school transfer requires another one-year commitment.
Project Trainers
Project Trainers aid in opening new schools. While working at the new school, they are responsible for teaching prospective student lessons to build student enrollment, helping with marketing the new school, teaching set lessons and helping train and support new Native English Teachers. Project Trainers also aid in the development and design of i Lessons for the Practical Course.
Net Area Assistant (Netaa)
NET Area Assistants set the bar for teaching in the region. The NETAA provides support to newly arrived Native English Teachers as well as to the Area Trainer.
Area Trainers
Area Trainers support the Native English Teachers throughout their career with Amity. They plan and conduct both Initial Training and Follow-Up Training, help with curriculum development and training teachers for new classes, as well as providing emotional support to Native English Teachers.
Emergency Teachers (ET / Regional Emergency Teachers (RET)
Emergency Teachers and Regional Emergency Teachers travel to various schools throughout Japan that need assistance. They also teach lessons, organize the classroom, bridge staff communications and conduct the shadow week for new Native English Teachers.
Personnel Recruiter
Personnel Recruiters are former Amity NETs who have the opportunity to join Amity’s recruitment offices located domestically in Japan or overseas. Personnel Recruiters promote the Amity brand at career fairs, conduct interview sessions and assist in hiring decisions to support Amity’s business development. The Personnel Recruiters make up the Recruiting Department. The domestic office is part of the NET Support Department.
Head Of Teacher Development
Amity’s Head of Teacher Development oversees the planning and conducting of both Initial Training and Follow-Up Training, conducts performance evaluations and supports the Area Trainers.
Head Of Curriculum Development
Amity’s Head of Curriculum Development oversees the Project Trainers with the development and design of i Lessons, as well as assist with domestic recruitment.
Chief Coordinator
Amity’s Chief Coordinator oversees the NET Support Department staff within the Education Department, contract renewals, and acts as a liaison for Amity’s President and school management.